Monday, 13 February 2012

spoiled baby

Mum and Baby

One day, when I was on my way to Yamaha - Cinere Music School, I found these crickets.

Actually, it was my little brother, who found these crickets first. Then, I took a picture at it.

I grabbed my imagination and I said it's a mom/dad, carrying its son.

They jumped everywhere to find a warm place.

At last, they found a warm place after all...

When I got home from Yamaha - Cinere Music School, the crickets were gone. I think they changed place again for a new situation.

1 comment:

  1. Kayak Ariq waktu bayi..senengnya minta di gendong terus sama Bapak hehe..


Kasih komentar yaa, nanti Ariq bales deh.. :-)