Friday, 11 February 2011

Something Wrong..

the title is something wrong dit you know where is the wrong?
 because,the wrong is if we are turn yhe paper its like an alien gun
that's the wrong
ok that's all.


  1. Dear Ariq,
    This is my review for your post.. :-)

    The title is 'Something Wrong'. Do you know what is wrong with this post?
    I will tell you what is wrong, if we turn the paper, it looks like an alien gun.
    That is what is wrong with this post.
    OK, that is all.

    Good picture and good post!
    Keep writing ;-)

  2. An Alien gun is a nice picture. Keep drawing..

  3. ok yangti i like you coment like that.

  4. that is a strange picture so i name it SOMTHING WRONG mom ok.


Kasih komentar yaa, nanti Ariq bales deh.. :-)