Friday, 11 February 2011

electric box

hey guys do you want to play a cool game?!
try this game electric box
just click the purple color to open the game

in the game you must complete the level from 1-40.

how to play the game just click and drag the objects on the right corner and place them on the right place.

the objecttives is to power up the target. if you don't understand just play the game.

that's all and the end.


  1. Yes, I agree. This is a very good game, especially for children who want to learn more about electricity circuit without using electricity at all (for safety purposes).

    All the objects needed are provided either on the circuit board or in the square to the right side of the screen. The objects need to be put on the correct spots, so that the electricity flows correctly from the 'On/Off' button to the 'Target'.

    You have completed levels 1-13, let's play it again to reach level 40.. ;-)

    This game is a lot of fun for children and adults.. ;-

  2. Hai Ariq, Show ygti how to play it.... and I will defeat you... he he he

  3. To: ibu indri
    maksih ya sudah menulis comentar ya
    Jadi bagi ibu itu gamenya bagus
    Ariq jadi suka deh ibu nanti balas lagi ya...

  4. yangti it's not an online game yangti and not a fighting game ok.


Kasih komentar yaa, nanti Ariq bales deh.. :-)