Thursday, 5 May 2011

Pool Birthday Party

On 16 April 2011, it's Azarin's birthday, and then I came into  her house. There are so many people I so fun. So I do play with Azarin and Arvin until a long time I can swim, but before I can't swim so I'm very  happy.

I just want to go there again in every one week because there are swimming pool and large lawn in Azarin's house, so I swim long time.

Then I go home. I really really happy

The End.

16 April 2011

by Ariq


  1. Bapak Tanjung5 May 2011 at 16:34

    Payungnya Aza yg ketinggalan di rumah Azarin udah ditanyain belom?

  2. belum tapi lupa. HEHEHE!!!


Kasih komentar yaa, nanti Ariq bales deh.. :-)